Agriculture has been the main source of income to Ghana's economy since the birth of the nation and continues to be even now. last Friday thus 1st December 2017 marked the 38th farmers day celebration in Ghana.
Taking a critical look at the progress in the patronage of Agricultural activities, it seem that Ghana still need some several number of years in order to fully utilise the agricultural resources for development, few agencies encourage the youth to go in the agricultural sector thus there is poor sensitisation.

About 90% of land resources of Ghana support crop farming but about 50% of the farm-able land is under-utilised.
Our farmlands are under-utilised, few people engage in farming activities even though there exist modern technologies which ease the indigenous hard ways of farming.
Moreover, the recently worsening once are the menace of filling waterlogged land which could be used to cultivate rice and other suitable crops like sugarcane, sorghum, millet etc.


But my concern is that why can't we have state cocoa farms, animals and many others which can serve as source of income for the nation as well as create employment for the youth?
Nations like Israel who do not have enough crop farming land even give much input to Agriculture than Ghana, I think it is high time Ghana invites such nations to come to our aid in the training of the human resources for Agricultural development.

I conclude by saying BRAVOS!!! to the untiring farmers of GHANA   


Ghanaian Educational Concerns

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