Which Job is "God Given" ?

The christian Bible gives us an account of the creation of man and what God expected of man after the seven days excellent creation. According to the Bible, God task man to keep watch of the garden of Eden which was the habit of all kinds of animals and plants. Man's diet came from the plants in the garden. Though not familiar with the Q'ran accounts on Allah's creation and the task assigned to man,  I do believe the accounts on creation and mans responsibility would be same as that of the Bible. I anticipate to know that of the other religious bodies to be same. In a nut shell, man was originally occupied as a farmer thus a mixed farmer. Rearing of animals and caring for plants.

I have experienced farming for more than twenty years and I can proudly say it is the best occupation man can ever have. If you ever visit the plant farms or vegetation early in the morning to feel the dew, by this you will also admire the pure and natural colourful nature of God's creation, and I can tell you this is the best experience and exposure you cannot ever forget.

I endorse farming as best occupation because alongside these experiences, you will also eat the first and most fresh and natural foods. Aside that you hardly engage in any corruption and bribery activities in the act of expelling your duties, you also receive God's blessings for feeding man and animals in the wild, in the skies and sometimes in the water bodies. Moreover, you work within your own comfort zone without any external pressure from any supervisor, you also exercise almost all parts of your body.

Indeed, FARMING is God's Given!!!!!!! 
I believe you would agree with me.   


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